November 2012 Releases from Bif Bang Pow!

Bif Bang Pow! kicks off the holiday season by announcing 23 incredible new items available for pre-order right now!

1.            Dexter Morgan Talking Bobble Head
2.            Dexter Morgan Monitor Mate Bobble Head
5.            Doctor Who Genesis Dalek Bobble Head
6.            Doctor Who Davros Bobble Head
14.            Doctor Who River Song's Mini-Journal
15.            Doctor Who 500 Year Mini-Diary
16.            Doctor Who TARDIS Mini-Journal
17.            Doctor Who Logo Coasters Set of 8
23.            The Six Million Dollar Man Tin Tote

Also look for even more product announcements and special Entertainment Earth Black Friday Exclusives, made by Bif Bang Pow! to be announced starting November 12.
