TOYFARE does it's share
News Flash! The Wall Street Journal of the collector world, Toy Fare Magazine, has given Bif Bang Pow! a nice two page spread in the latest issue to celebrate the imminent release of the 'Flash Gordon' Series 1 figures. On stands now, issue 124 is chock full of all the usual informative pop culture goodness we've come to expect, but it now comes new and improved with a nice little interview with artist and fan extroardinaire Alex Ross, and yours truly. (With a sneak peek at a Series 2 figure!) Finally, all of our secrets are revealed! We talk of the past! The future! And even manage to slip the present in there somewhere. Hard hitting journo and editor Zach Oat asks the questions no one dares to, and nearly makes us cry as the emotions reach fever pitch! And just when you think it can't get any better, the interview expands over at the TF website. Head over right now! Klytus, Barin and more juice than you can hold in a box are waiting for you to soak up. What next for Bif Bang Pow!? Field and Stream? Catfancy? Redbook? The sky's the limit.....